The True Value of A Travel Agent When Planning Your Destination Wedding

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We know travel has changed. In today’s unpredictable world, it can be difficult to plan for a wedding and make sure all the travel details are intact. You need a travel BFF that can help you cut through all the clutter. Travel advisors compliment the wedding and honeymoon process like oil and vinegar with your favorite Italian bread. 

Travel advisors are able to provide you with all the information you need to think about, including the new COVID protocols, entry requirements, and marriage license information. Here are the top reasons why we love them, too!

Most travel advisors have a specialty. 

They say the riches are in the niches, right? Well, that comes in handy when you are looking for a destination wedding pro. They will go over all the legal jargon, contract policies, refund procedures and break up the red tape with travel suppliers and tour operators, around the world. They will customize your destination wedding trip –everything from location, type of resort, and even crafting your menu.The day is all about you, so you want someone who knows your preferences. 

Travel advisors are there to be your guide.

So the first one seems like a no-brainer, but what about exploring a new place or discovering a new resort for the first time? Travel advisors are your sounding board for all decisions. We know you want to throw the event of the year and that’s what they are here for, too. They offer advice that will help you achieve your wedding goals and create an unforgettable experience.

If time is money, then they are your best asset managers. 

Ask us how many hours the typical event takes to plan and we will tell you over 100 hours, easily. Who has time to keep up with all of that, go to work, care for kids, keep up with your fiance, and have a social life? What is a girl supposed to do? Travel advisors have been where you are, dreaming and scouting resorts 10x over. They are ready to give you invaluable,expert insight. Now, throw in all of your guests, including your crazy uncle and really, do you want to deal with all of that? How will everyone get to the resort? How will you keep track with who booked, where? Will you create your own rooming list, schedule transportation….the list never ends. 

Lastly, they come with the perks. 

You know when that FREE wedding isn’t so free? Or when you need that upgrade or comped room for you and your best friend? They got you. They have what you need. You think you can get a private transfer in a Mercedes-benz all by yourself? You can’t V.I.P. yourself! They work to build relationships with people that can help you get what you want. Trust us, they are worth every penny.

At the end of the day, it’s just plain smart. You have a wedding to plan and not only will it be a wedding but a wedding in a new place, with different restrictions, policies and maybe even a different language. We promise, they are as valuable as you bringing your own hair stylist and photographer because, you only get married once, right? (OK, so some twice but it's not our business!) The point is, they can make the process much easier and we could all use a little ease in our life these days, especially after the 2020 shit show we have all been a part of, right? 

Thank us later! 

Courtnie is the founder & CEO of TravelBash. After years as an ambitious fundraiser, she took her passion for travel full-time. She has lived all over the U.S. and abroad and after planning her own destination wedding, she decided to help other couples plan their big day abroad too. She has written “Passport to Paradise: The Complete Destination Wedding Guide,” a top seller on Amazon. She has also been featured in Travel + Leisure, Destination I Do and The Washington Post. As a certified travel advisor, expert event planner and natural connector, she uses her powers to create VIP travel experiences.


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